Greetings again ~
Ok... I'm on a vacation from that dreadful college =_= can U believe it ?! They're rearranging our classes all over again .. they'll separate the ones who know English from the ones who don't know English O_o
... What loser doesn't know English and goes to BTC ?!?! (with all do respect to my maties)
I think it's a terrible thing to do. I don't wanna be in a class where everybody's an English parrot O_o in case U haven't noticed, I HATE COMPETITION !!!
Back me up on this one please and wish me all the best luck .. it's for Ur children's teacher's own good =_= trust me .. I'll be needing Ur prayers A LOT !!!
Ok... I'm on a vacation from that dreadful college =_= can U believe it ?! They're rearranging our classes all over again .. they'll separate the ones who know English from the ones who don't know English O_o
... What loser doesn't know English and goes to BTC ?!?! (with all do respect to my maties)
I think it's a terrible thing to do. I don't wanna be in a class where everybody's an English parrot O_o in case U haven't noticed, I HATE COMPETITION !!!
Back me up on this one please and wish me all the best luck .. it's for Ur children's teacher's own good =_= trust me .. I'll be needing Ur prayers A LOT !!!